finally had time to shoot more, exam time is over and now i have some holidays, so i´ve started to shoot more analog, it´s cheap and so much better than digital
i took this one near my house while waiting for my sister to arrive from opera, she found it nice, that´s surprise:-D
this reminds me view from haunted house, last frame before developing.
jessy, she hates being photographed, because she is supposed to not move, and that seems impossible for her
i know, i have those bokeh lights on every roll i do shoot, but i like it;-)
some nature shot, it was freezing
sister drinking stella artois, really tasty beer
prague, near hospital, hate this weather, but that guy with bags liked it, i watched him for a while, he was wandering around this place and collected some weeds form trees and bushes, weird
that´s hospital
this was shot in zoo, wild cats, smelly creatures, in very bad mood
night walk
hipshot, they seemed dangerous, so i didn´t try to shoot them from smaller distance
this was shot in Hluboká nad Vltavou, my grandpa has an apartment there, there is nice castle also
and this shitty wall with producer of all this mess on the top is at zoo in Hluboká, funny, all these birds make the same shitty treces on their walls:-D
i lent her my digital, because it´s quite schisofrenic to shoot digital and film at the same time
some nature shots
and this is Hluboká
with it´s castle
this is all, hopeyou all have good time;-)
i´ll upload some color stuff later, it´s waiting for lab.
Strawanzertum I
7 years ago