Thursday, January 29, 2009

random collection

i decided to relax for a while and went through old folders with my film scans, i´ve been shooting on film about half year, so i do not have many films shot.
here are some shots i´ve chosen

N :-*

new years fireworks, every year at the same place, looks nice. but i did take this shot, because that lady made me smile. seriously, i don´t know why did she even try to shoot it.

this has atmosphere of summer for me, that´s the rason why i´ve chosen it.

winter, handheld mjju:II, strange when shooting this camera loaded with iso100 film, cazy shutter speeds

1/4 sec. with my nikkor 20/2,8 tri- x just tried how wide that lens is, amazingly:)

birthday, nikkor 20/2,8 again here, tri-x

port for fishermans boats:)

poker night

stupid and blurry waste of last frame

this is how does christmas lights look with my new 35/2

no comment, mju:II

shot on fuji with nikkor 50/1,4 wide open, my cousin

i just like those colour circles:)

this also reminds me summer, it´s shot on our cottage, an old mill, this is how i define mess in kitchen:-D

one more from fireworks, decided to shoot people rather than stupid lights:)

nice shoes:)


what you see here is really rare, because this tunnel was repaired only twice in whole history of it.i won´t see this in at least thirty years...

my uncle on my aunts b-day party:)

my father trying to find the way to salzburg.

side mirror of our car, i liked it, but try to stand still for 1/15 sec in moving car....

i took this shot in our forest, don´t know why but i somehow like it.

this was amazing sunset and last frame of some expired film.

nikon fm2, tri-x, at charles bridge

our old ruined mill, but i love it there, just open the window and smell the river.

magnum jazz bigband at Futurum

this looks just crazy, and contrasty.

due to repair of that tunnel, additional boat transportation was provided, so we travelled about one and half kilometer by boat, it was faster to go on foot.

this is probably tri-x, i like how it came out, i developed this film by myself at home, i was so lucky it came out this good

that could be all, don´t have more to say, just have a nice february;-)


Thursday, January 1, 2009


i took all the images below with my new analog olympus mju:II
i was shocked how good camera is it, 35 mm prime lens with maximal aperture f/2,8, that means you can shoot in low light without flash, all you need is fast film and firm hand.
it´s also very small, i carry it almost always in my pocket...

see the difference between these two buildings? commies really fucked the look of our villages here, spirit you can see on old photos is lost because of these horrible... i don´t have words for that.

just old cemetery

i would name this photo "solitude". we used to buy here newspapers.

charles bridge and musicians there

i really didn´t expect this image to be so good, outcome from that toy camera is amazing:)

you can shoot even street with that.

that could be all, i´m too tired to write more, new year´s celebration was long and exhausting...